原著論文(Original Papers)
Asai M, Inasawa A, Matsui T. Theoretical prediction of temperature difference between prefrontal cortex and forehead skin for fever screening. Therm. Sci. Eng. Prog. 2023 37(1), 101595.
Katoh M, Kanazawa T, Abe Y, Sun G, Matsui T. Development of a non-contact 15-second paediatric respiratory rate monitor using microwave radar and its clinical application. Acta Paediatr. 2023 Mar;112(3):493-495.
Inoue T, Shinba T, Itokawa M, Sun G, Nishikawa M, Miyashita M, Suzuki K, Kariya N, Arai M, Matsui T. The development and clinical application of a novel schizophrenia screening system using yoga-induced autonomic nervous system responses. Front Physiol. 2022 Oct 5;13:902979.
Edanami K, Kurosawa M, Yen HT, Kanazawa T, Abe Y, Kirimoto T, Yao Y, Matsui T, Sun G. Remote sensing of vital signs by medical radar time-series signal using cardiac peak extraction and adaptive peak detection algorithm: Performance validation on healthy adults and application to neonatal monitoring at an NICU. Comput Methods Programs Biomed. 2022 Nov;226:107163.
Unursaikhan B, Amarsanaa G, Sun G, Hashimoto K, Purevsuren O, Choimaa L, Matsui T. Development of a Novel Vital-Signs-Based Infection Screening Composite-Type Camera With Truncus Motion Removal Algorithm to Detect COVID-19 Within 10 Seconds and Its Clinical Validation. Front Physiol. 2022 Jun 22;13:905931.
Otake Y, Kobayashi T, Hakozaki Y, Matsui T. Non-contact heart rate variability monitoring using Doppler radars located beneath bed mattress: a case report. Eur Heart J Case Rep. 2021 Aug 9;5(8):ytab273.
Shinba T, Murotsu K, Usui Y, Andow Y, Terada H, Kariya N, Tatebayashi Y, Matsuda Y, Mugishima G, Shinba Y, Sun G, Matsui T. Return-to-Work Screening by Linear Discriminant Analysis of Heart Rate Variability Indices in Depressed Subjects. Sensors (Basel). 2021 Jul 30;21(15):5177.
Unursaikhan B, Tanaka N, Sun G, Watanabe S, Yoshii M, Funahashi K, Sekimoto F, Hayashibara F, Yoshizawa Y, Choimaa L, Matsui T. Development of a Novel Web Camera-Based Contact-Free Major Depressive Disorder Screening System Using Autonomic Nervous Responses Induced by a Mental Task and Its Clinical Application. Front Physiol. 2021 May 14;12:642986.
Takamoto H, Nishine H, Sato S, Sun G, Watanabe S, Seokjin K, Asai M, Mineshita M, Matsui T. Development and Clinical Application of a Novel Non-contact Early Airflow Limitation Screening System Using an Infrared Time-of-Flight Depth Image Sensor. Front Physiol. 2020 Sep 11;11:552942.
Sun G, Trung NV, Hoi LT, Hiep PT, Ishibashi K, Matsui T. Visualisation of epidemiological map using an Internet of Things infectious disease surveillance platform. Crit Care. 2020 Jul 9;24(1):400.
Shinba T, Murotsu K, Usui Y, Andow Y, Terada H, Takahashi M, Takii R, Urita M, Sakuragawa S, Mochizuki M, Kariya N, Matsuda S, Obara Y, Matsuda H, Tatebayashi Y, Matsuda Y, Mugishima G, Nedachi T, Sun G, Inoue T, Matsui T. Usefulness of heart rate variability indices in assessing the risk of an unsuccessful return to work after sick leave in depressed patients. Neuropsychopharmacol Rep. 2020 Sep;40(3):239-245.
Shinba T, Inoue T, Matsui T, Kimura KK, Itokawa M, Arai M. Changes in Heart Rate Variability after Yoga are Dependent on Heart Rate Variability at Baseline and during Yoga: A Study Showing Autonomic Normalization Effect in Yoga-Naïve and Experienced Subjects. Int J Yoga. 2020;13(2):160-167. doi:10.4103/ijoy.IJOY_39_19
Matsui T, Kobayashi T, Hirano M, et al. A Pneumonia Screening System based on Parasympathetic Activity Monitoring in Non-contact Way using Compact Radars Beneath the Bed Mattress. J Infect. 2020;81(2):e142-e144. doi:10.1016/j.jinf.2020.06.002
Negishi T, Abe S, Matsui T, et al. Contactless Vital Signs Measurement System Using RGB-Thermal Image Sensors and Its Clinical Screening Test on Patients with Seasonal Influenza. Sensors (Basel). 2020;20(8):2171. Published 2020 Apr 13. doi:10.3390/s20082171
Dagdanpurev S, Abe S, Sun G, Nishimura H, Choimaa L, Hakozaki Y, Matsui T. A novel machine-learning-based infection screening system via 2013-2017 seasonal influenza patients' vital signs as training datasets. J Infect. 2019 Feb 22. pii:
Sun G, Okada M, Nakamura R, Matsuo T, Kirimoto T, Hakozaki Y, Matsui T.
Twenty-four-hour continuous and remote monitoring of respiratory rate using a
medical radar system for the early detection of pneumonia in symptomatic elderly bedridden hospitalized patients. Clin Case Rep. 2018 Nov 13;7(1):83-86. doi:
10.1002/ccr3.1922. eCollection 2019 Jan.
Dagdanpurev S, Sun G, Shinba T, Kobayashi M, Kariya N, Choimaa L, Batsuuri S, Kim S, Suzuki S, Matsui T. Development and Clinical Application of a Novel Autonomic Transient Response-Based Screening System for Major Depressive Disorder Using a Fingertip Photoplethysmographic Sensor. Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2018 May 22;6:64. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2018.00064. eCollection 2018.
Matsui T, Shinba T, Sun G. The development of a novel high-precision major
depressive disorder screening system using transient autonomic responses induced
by dual mental tasks. J Med Eng Technol. 2018 Feb;42(2):121-127.
Shinji Gotoh, Takemi Matsui, Yoshikazu Naka, and Osamu Kurita. The Development of a Dual-Radar System with Automatic Hypopnea Threshold Optimization for Contact-free Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome Screening. Journal of sensor, in press.
Guanghao Sun, Takemi Matsui, Yasuyuki Watai, Seokjin Kim, Tetsuo Kirimoto, Satoshi Suzuki, and Yukiya Hakozaki. Vital-SCOPE: Design and Evaluation of A Smart Vital Signs Monitor for Simultaneous Measurement of Pulse Rate, Respiratory Rate, and Body Temperature for Patient Monitoring. Journal of sensor, in press.
Sun G, Trung NV, Matsui T, Ishibashi K, Kirimoto T, Furukawa H, Hoi LT, Huyen NN, Nguyen Q, Abe S, Hakozaki Y, Kinh NV. Field evaluation of an infectious disease/fever screening radar system during the 2017 dengue fever outbreak in Hanoi, Vietnam: a preliminary report. J Infect. 2017 Dec;75(6):593-595.
Sun G, Nakayama Y, Dagdanpurev S, Abe S, Nishimura H, Kirimoto T, Matsui T. Remote sensing of multiple vital signs using a CMOS camera-equipped infrared thermography system and its clinical application in rapidly screening patients with suspected infectious diseases. Int J Infect Dis. 2017 ;55:113-117.
Sun G, Shinba T, Kirimoto T, Matsui T. An Objective Screening Method for Major Depressive Disorder Using Logistic Regression Analysis of Heart Rate Variability Data Obtained in a Mental Task Paradigm. Front Psychiatry. 2016 4;7:180.
Matsui T, Kakisaka K, Shinba T. Impaired parasympathetic augmentation under relaxation in patients with depression as assessed by a novel non-contact microwave radar system. J Med Eng Technol. 2016;40(1):15-9.
Sun G, Akanuma M, Matsui T. Clinical evaluation of the newly developed
infectious disease/fever screening radar system using the neural network and
fuzzy grouping method for travellers with suspected infectious diseases at Narita International Airport Clinic. J Infect. 2016 ;72(1):121-3.
Yao Y, Sun G, Matsui T, Hakozaki Y, van Waasen S, Schiek M. Multiple
Vital-Sign-Based Infection Screening Outperforms Thermography Independent of the Classification Algorithm. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2016 ;63(5):1025-1033.
Kagawa M, Tojima H, Matsui T. Non-contact diagnostic system for sleep
apnea-hypopnea syndrome based on amplitude and phase analysis of thoracic and abdominal Doppler radars. Med Biol Eng Comput. 2016;54(5):789-98.
Sun G, Miyata K, Matsuoka A, Zhao Z, Iwakami S, Kim S, Matsui T.A compact and hand-held infection-screening system for use in rapid medical inspection at airport quarantine stations: system design and preliminary validation.
J Med Eng Technol. 2015 Apr;39(3):185-90.
Sun G, Matsui T, Hakozaki Y, Abe S
An infectious disease/fever screening radar system which stratifies higher-risk patients within ten seconds using a neural network and the fuzzy grouping method
J Infect. 2015 Mar;70(3):230-6.
Sun G, Matsui T, Hakozaki Y, Abe SAn infectious disease/fever screening radar system which stratifies higher-risk patients within ten seconds using a neural network and the fuzzy grouping method
J Infect. 2015 Mar;70(3):230-6.)
Nguyen V, Ishihara M, Kinoda J, Hattori H, Nakamura S, Ono T, Miyahira Y, Matsui T
Development of antimicrobial biomaterials produced from chitin-nanofiber sheet/silver nanoparticle composites.
J Nanobiotechnology. 2014 Dec 3;12(1):49.
Matsui T, Katayose S
A novel method to estimate changes in stress-induced salivary α-amylase using heart rate variability and respiratory rate, as measured in a non-contact manner using a single radar attached to the back of a chair
J Med Eng Technol. 2014 Jun 17:1-5
Sun G, Saga T, Shimizu T, Hakozaki Y , Matsui T
Fever screening of seasonal influenza patients using a cost-effective thermopile array with small pixels for close-range thermometry.
International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2014.
Nguyen VQ, Sun G, Matsui T, et al.
Rapid screening for influenza using a multivariable logistic regression model to save labor at a clinic in Iwaki, Fukushima, Japan
American Journal of Infection Control, 2014.
Nguyen VQ, Matsui T, et al.
Chitin/Chitosan/Silver Nanoparticle (Ag NP) Composites with Strong Antimicrobial Activities
Chitin and Chitosan Research, Vol. 20, No.1, 2014.
Sun G, Hakozaki Y, Abe S, Takei O, Matsui TA neural network-based infection screening system that uses vital signs and percutaneous oxygen saturation for rapid screening of patients with influenza
Health 2013 Aug;5(8E):7-12.
Matsui T, Yoshida Y, Kagawa M, Kubota M, Kurita A.
Development of a practicable non-contact bedside autonomic activation monitoring system using microwave radars and its clinical application in elderly people.
J Clin Monit Comput. 2013 Jun;27(3):351-6.
Nguyen VQ, Ishihara M, Mori Y, Nakamura S, Kishimoto S, Fujita M, Hattori H, Kanatani Y, Ono T, Miyahira Y, Matsui T.
Preparation of size-controlled silver nanoparticles and chitosan-based composites and their anti-microbial activities.
Biomed Mater Eng. 2013;23(6):473-83.
Nguyen VQ, Ishihara M, Nakamura S, Hattori H, Ono T, Miyahira Y, Matsui T.
Interaction of Silver Nanoparticles and Chitin Powder with Different Sizes and Surface Structures: The Correlation with Antimicrobial Activities.
J Nanomater. 2013;2013(2013).
Mori Y, Ono T, Miyahira Y, Nguyen VQ, Matsui T, Ishihara M.
Antiviral activity of silver nanoparticle/chitosan composites against H1N1 influenza A virus.
Nanoscale Res Lett. 2013 Feb 20;8(1):93.
Sun G, Hakozaki Y, Abe S, Vinh NQ, Matsui T.A novel infection screening method using a neural network and k-means clustering algorithm which can be applied for screening of unknown or unexpected infectious diseases.
J Infect. 2012 Dec;65(6):591-2.
Kagawa M, Yoshida Y, Kubota M, Kurita A, Matsui T.
Non-contact heart rate monitoring method for elderly people In bed with random body motions using 24 GHz dual radars located beneath the mattress in clinical settings.
J Med Eng Technol. 2012 Oct;36(7):344-50.
Suzuki S, Matsui T, Sugawara K, Asao T, Kotani K.An approach to remote monitoring of heart rate variability (HRV) using microwave radar during a calculation task.
J Physiol Anthropol. 2011;30(6):241-9.
Gotoh S, Sun G, Kagawa M, Matsui T.
A novel stress monitoring method through stress-induced respiratory alterations: non-contact measurement of respiratory V(T)/T(I) alterations induced by stressful sound using a 10 GHz microwave radar.
J Med Eng Technol. 2011 Nov;35(8):416-9. Epub 2011 Nov 7.
Sun G, Abe S, Takei O, Hakozaki Y and Matsui T.
A Novel Non-contact Infection Screening System Based on Self-Organizing Map with K-means Clustering.
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2011 Volume 258, 125-132.
Suzuki S, Matsui T, Sakaguchi Y, Ando K, Nishiuchi N, Ishihara M.The possibility of determination of accuracy of performance just before the onset of a reaching task using movement-related cortical potentials.
Med Biol Eng Comput. 2010 Sep;48(9):845-52.
Yasutaka Mori, Shingo Nakamura, Satoko Kishimoto, Mitsuyuki Kawakami, Satoshi Suzuki, Takemi Matsui, Masayuki Ishihara.
Preparation and characterization of low-molecular-weight heparin/protamine nanoparticles (LMW-H/P NPs) as FGF-2 carrier.
Int J Nanomedicine. 2010 Apr 7;5:147-55.
Matsui T, Hakozaki Y, Suzuki S, Usui T, Kato T, Hasegawa K, Sugiyama Y, Sugamata M, Abe S.
A novel screening method for influenza patients using a newly developed non-contact screening system.
J Infect. 2010 Apr;60(4):271-7.
Uenoyama M, Ogata S, Nakanishi K, Kanazawa F, Hiroi S, Tominaga S, Seo A, Matsui T, Kawai T, Suzuki S.
Protein kinase C mRNA and protein expressions in hypobaric hypoxia-induced cardiac hypertrophy in rats.
Acta Physiol (Oxf). 2010 Apr;198(4):431-40.
Shinji Gotoh, Satoshi Suzuki, Hayato Imuta, Masayuki Kagawa, Zorig Badarch, Takemi Matsui.Non-contact determination of parasympathetic activation induced by a full stomach using microwave radar.
Med Biol Eng Comput. 2009 Sep;47(9):1017-9.
Matsui T, Suzuki S, Ujikawa K, Usui T, Gotoh S, Sugamata M, Badarch Z, Abe S.
Development of a non-contact screening system for rapid medical inspection at a quarantine depot using a laser Doppler blood-flow meter, microwave radar and infrared thermography.
J Med Eng Technol. 2009;33(5):403-9.
Yura H, Ishihara M, Nakamura S, Kishimoto S, Kanatani Y, Horio T, Ishizuka T, Kawakami M, Matsui T.
Coatings of low-density lipoprotein and synthetic glycoconjugates as substrata for hepatocytes.
Artif Organs. 2009 Jun;33(6):419-24.
Suzuki S, Matsui T, Kawahara H, Gotoh S.
Development of a noncontact and long-term respiration monitoring system using microwave radar for hibernating black bear.
Zoo Biol. 2009 May;28(3):259-70.
Suzuki S, Matsui T, Kawahara H, Ichiki H, Shimizu J, Kondo Y, Gotoh S, Yura H, Takase B, Ishihara M.
A non-contact vital sign monitoring system for ambulances using dual-frequency microwave radars.
Med Biol Eng Comput. 2009 Jan;47(1):101-5.
Suzuki S, Matsui T, Imuta H, Uenoyama M, Yura H, Ishihara M, Kawakami M.A novel autonomic activation measurement method for stress monitoring: non-contact measurement of heart rate variability using a compact microwave radar.
Med Biol Eng Comput. 2008 Jul;46(7):709-14.
Uenoyama M, Ogata S, Nakanishi K, Kanazawa F, Hiroi S, Tominaga S, Kanatani Y, Seo A, Matsui T, Suzuki S.
Osteopontin expression in normal and hypobaric hypoxia-exposed rats Acta Physiol (Oxf). 2008 Jul;193(3):291-301.
Matsui T, Uenoyama M, Ishimine H, Suzuki S, Yamanaka K, Ishihara M.
Non-contact determination of arterial blood pressure alterations induced by blood loss using laser irradiation on the common carotid artery.
J Med Eng Technol. 2008 May-Jun;32(3):216-20.
Yura H, Kanatani Y, Ishihara M, Takase B, Nambu M, Kishimoto S, Kitagawa M, Tatsuzawa O, Hoshi Y, Suzuki S, Kawakami M, Matsui T.
Selection of hematopoietic stem cells with a combination of galactose-bound vinyl polymer and soybean agglutinin, a galactose-specific lectin.
Transfusion.2008 Mar;48(3):561-6.
Fujita M, Ishihara M, Shimizu M, Obara K, Nakamura S, Kanatani Y, Morimoto Y, Takase B, Matsui T, Kikuchi M, Maehara T.Therapeutic angiogenesis induced by controlled release of fibroblast growth factor-2 from injectable chitosan/non-anticoagulant heparin hydrogel in a rat hindlimb ischemia model.
Wound Repair Regen. 2007 Jan-Feb;15(1):58-65.
Masuoka K, Asazuma T, Hattori H, Yoshihara Y, Sato M, Matsumura K, Matsui T, Takase B, Nemoto K, Ishihara M.Tissue engineering of articular cartilage with autologous cultured adipose tissue-derived stromal cells using atelocollagen honeycomb-shaped scaffold with a membrane sealing in rabbits.
J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 2006 Oct;79(1):25-34.
Uenoyama M, Matsui T, Yamada K, Suzuki S, Takase B, Suzuki S, Ishihara M, Kawakami M.
Non-contact respiratory monitoring system using a ceiling-attached microwave antenna.
Med Biol Eng Comput. 2006 Sep;44(9):835-840. Epub 2006 Aug 29.
Nakamura S, Ishihara M, Obara K, Masuoka K, Ishizuka T, Kanatani Y, Takase B, Matsui T, Hattori H, Sato T, Kariya Y, Maehara T.
Controlled release of fibroblast growth factor-2 from an injectable 6-O-desulfated heparin hydrogel and subsequent effect on in vivo vascularization.
J Biomed Mater Res A. 2006 Aug;78(2):364-371.
Matsui T, Gotoh S, Arai I, Hattori H, Fujita M, Obara K, Masuoka K, Nakamura S, Takase B, Ishihara M, Kikuchi M.
Noncontact vital sign monitoring system for isolation unit (casualty care system).
Mil Med. 2006 Jul;171(7):639-643.
Yura H, Ishihara M, Kanatani Y, Takase B, Hattori H, Suzuki S, Kawakami M, Matsui T.
Interaction study between synthetic glycoconjugate ligands and endocytic receptors using flow cytometry.
J Biochem. 2006 Apr;139(4):637-643.
Masaki N, Takase B, Matsui T, Kosuda S, Ohsuzu F, Ishihara M.
QT peak dispersion, not QT dispersion, is a more useful diagnostic marker for detecting exercise-induced myocardial ischemia.
Heart Rhythm. 2006 Apr;3(4):424-432.
Takase B, Hamabe A, Satomura K, Akima T, Uehata A, Matsui T, Ohsuzu F, Ishihara M, Kurita A.
Comparable prognostic value of vasodilator response to acetylcholine in brachial and coronary arteries for predicting long-term cardiovascular events in suspected coronary artery disease.
Circ J. 2006 Jan;70(1):49-56.
Matsui, T., Hattori, H., Takase, B., Ishihara, M.
Non-invasive estimation of arterial blood pH using exhaled CO/CO 2 analyser, microwave radar and infrared thermography for patients after massive haemorrhage.
2006 Journal of Medical Engineering and Technology 30 (2), pp. 97-101 1
Obara K, Ishihara M, Ozeki Y, Ishizuka T, Hayashi T, Nakamura S, Saito Y, Yura H, Matsui T, Hattori H, Takase B, Ishihara M, Kikuchi M, Maehara T.Controlled release of paclitaxel from photocrosslinked chitosan hydrogels and its subsequent effect on subcutaneous tumor growth in mice.
J Control Release. 2005 Dec 10;110(1):79-89.
Matsui T, Arai I, Gotoh S, Hattori H, Takase B, Kikuchi M, Ishihara M.
A novel apparatus for non-contact measurement of heart rate variability: a system to prevent secondary exposure of medical personnel to toxic materials under biochemical hazard conditions, in monitoring sepsis or in predicting multiple organ dysfunction syndrome.
Biomed Pharmacother. 2005 Oct;59 Suppl 1:S188-91.
Masuoka K, Asazuma T, Ishihara M, Sato M, Hattori H, Ishihara M, Yoshihara Y, Matsui T, Takase B, Kikuchi M, Nemoto K.
Tissue engineering of articular cartilage using an allograft of cultured chondrocytes in a membrane-sealed atelocollagen honeycomb-shaped scaffold (ACHMS scaffold).
J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 2005 Oct;75(1):177-84.
Nogami Y, Takase B, Matsui T, Hattori H, Hamabe A, Fujita M, Ohsuzu F, Ishihara M, Maekara T.
Effect of antiarrhythmic agents on heart rate variability indices after myocardial infarction: comparative experimental study of aprindine and procainamide.
Biomed Pharmacother. 2005 Oct;59 Suppl 1:S169-73.
Takase B, Hamabe A, Uehata A, Hujioka T, Kondo T, Matsui T, Ohsuzu F, Ishihara M.
Recombinant interferon alpha treatment decreases heart rate variability indices and impairs exercise tolerance in patients with chronic hepatitis.
Biomed Pharmacother. 2005 Oct;59 Suppl 1:S163-8.
Takase B, Abe Y, Nagata M, Matsui T, Hattori H, Ohsuzu F, Ishihara M, Kurita A.
Effect of betaxolol hydrochloride on heart rate variability indices during exercise stress testing in patients with hypertension.
Biomed Pharmacother. 2005 Oct;59 Suppl 1:S158-62.
Obara K, Ishihara M, Fujita M, Kanatani Y, Hattori H, Matsui T, Takase B, Ozeki Y, Nakamura S, Ishizuka T, Tominaga S, Hiroi S, Kawai T, Maehara T.
Acceleration of wound healing in healing-impaired db/db mice with a
photocrosslinkable chitosan hydrogel containing fibroblast growth factor-2.
Wound Repair Regen. 2005 Jul-Aug;13(4):390-7.
Masuoka K, Ishihara M, Asazuma T, Hattori H, Matsui T, Takase B, Kanatani Y, Fujita M, Saito Y, Yura H, Fujikawa K, Nemoto K.
The interaction of chitosan with fibroblast growth factor-2 and its protection from inactivation.
Biomaterials. 2005 Jun;26(16):3277-84.
Fujita M, Ishihara M, Morimoto Y, Simizu M, Saito Y, Yura H, Matsui T, Takase B, Hattori H, Kanatani Y, Kikuchi M, Maehara T.
Efficacy of photocrosslinkable chitosan hydrogel containing fibroblast growth factor-2 in a rabbit model of chronic myocardial infarction.
J Surg Res. 2005 Jun 1;126(1):27-33.
Kurita A, Matsui T, Ishizuka T, Takase B, Satomura K.
Significance of plasma nitric oxide/endothelial-1 ratio for prediction of coronary artery disease.
Angiology. 2005 May-Jun;56(3):259-64.
Matsui T, Ishizuka T, Ishihara M, Suzuki M, Kurita A, Kikuchi M.
A new method to detect systemic inflammatory response syndrome by continuous monitoring system: an experimental study in rats.
J Med Eng Technol. 2005 Jan-Feb;29(1):18-21.
Matsui T, Hagisawa K, Ishizuka T, Takase B, Ishihara M, Kikuchi M.A novel method to prevent secondary exposure of medical and rescue personnel to toxic materials under biochemical hazard conditions using microwave radar and infrared thermography.
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2004 Dec;51(12):2184-8.
Matsui T, Ishizuka T, Takase B, Ishihara M, Kikuchi M.
Non-contact determination of vital sign alterations in hypovolaemic states induced by massive haemorrhage: an experimental attempt to monitor the condition of injured persons behind barriers or under disaster rubble.
Med Biol Eng Comput. 2004 Nov;42(6):807-11.
Takase B, Akima T, Satomura K, Ohsuzu F, Matsui T, Ishihara M, Kurita A.
Effects of chronic sleep deprivation on autonomic activity by examining heart rate variability, plasma catecholamine, and intracellular magnesium levels.
Biomed Pharmacother. 2004 Oct;58 Suppl 1:S35-9.
Takase B, Akima T, Satomura K, Matsui T, Ohsuzu F, Ishihara M, Kurita A.
Assessment of autonomic activity during daily life of patients with head-up tilt-induced prolonged asystole.
Biomed Pharmacother. 2004 Oct;58 Suppl 1:S40-4.
Takase B, Akima T, Satomura K, Ohsuzu F, Matsui T, Ishihara M, Kurita A.
Day-to-day variability of the long-term fractal component of heart rate variability (beta) and the effect of an antianginal agent in patients with silent myocardial ischemia.
Biomed Pharmacother. 2004 Oct;58 Suppl 1:S123-8.
Matsui T, Takase B, Hagisawa K, Kikuchi M, Suzuki M, Ishihara M.
A real time non-invasive monitoring system for detection of hypovolemic state using RR interval variability in very low frequency ranges.
Biomed Pharmacother. 2004 Oct;58 Suppl 1:S28-30.
Fujita M, Kinoshita M, Ishihara M, Kanatani Y, Morimoto Y, Simizu M, Ishizuka T, Saito Y, Yura H, Matsui T, Takase B, Hattori H, Kikuchi M, Maehara T.
Inhibition of vascular prosthetic graft infection using a photocrosslinkable chitosan hydrogel.
J Surg Res. 2004 Sep;121(1):135-40.
Ishizuka T, Matsui T, Okamoto Y, Ohta A, Shichijo M.
Ramatroban (BAY u 3405): a novel dual antagonist of TXA2 receptor and CRTh2, a newly identified prostaglandin D2 receptor.
Cardiovasc Drug Rev. 2004 Summer;22(2):71-90. Review.
Kurita A, Ishizuka T, Matsui T, Matsumura K, Hagisawa K, Takase B, Satomura K.
Significance of angioscopic morphology for the estimation of macrophage infiltration and vascular physiology.
Int J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2004 Jun;20(3):165-71.
Takase B, Nagata M, Kihara T, Kameyawa A, Noya K, Matsui T, Ohsuzu F, Ishihara M, Kurita A.
Whole-heart dipyridamole stress first-pass myocardial perfusion MRI for the detection of coronary artery disease.
Jpn Heart J. 2004 May;45(3):475-86.
Fujita M, Ishihara M, Simizu M, Obara K, Ishizuka T, Saito Y, Yura H, Morimoto Y, Takase B, Matsui T, Kikuchi M, Maehara T.
Vascularization in vivo caused by the controlled release of fibroblast growth factor-2 from an injectable chitosan/non-anticoagulant heparin hydrogel.
Biomaterials. 2004 Feb;25(4):699-706.
Kikuchi M, Ishihara M, Matsui T, Wakisaka H, Ashida H, Sato S, Ishizuka T.
Biomedical engineering's contribution to defending the homeland.
IEEE Eng Med Biol Mag. 2004 Jan-Feb;23(1):175-86.
Takase B, Nagata M, Matsui T, Kihara T, Kameyama A, Hamabe A, Noya K, Satomura K, Ishihara M, Kurita A, Ohsuzu F.
Pulmonary vein dimensions and variation of branching pattern in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation using magnetic resonance angiography.
Jpn Heart J. 2004 Jan;45(1):81-92.
Hattori H, Sato M, Masuoka K, Ishihara M, Kikuchi T, Matsui T, Takase B, Ishizuka T, Kikuchi M, Fujikawa K, Ishihara M.
Osteogenic potential of human adipose tissue-derived stromal cells as an alternative stem cell source.
Cells Tissues Organs. 2004;178(1):2-12.
Obara K, Ishihara M, Ishizuka T, Fujita M, Ozeki Y, Maehara T, Saito Y, Yura H, Matsui T, Hattori H, Kikuchi M, Kurita A.Photocrosslinkable chitosan hydrogel containing fibroblast growth factor-2 stimulates wound healing in healing-impaired db/db mice.
Biomaterials. 2003 Sep;24(20):3437-44.
Matsui T, Ishizuka T, Ishihara M, Ishihara M, Matsumura K, Kikuchi M, Kurita A.
The non-contact monitoring of heart and respiratory rates using laser irradiation: an experimental simultaneous monitoring with and without clothes during biochemical hazards.
J Med Eng Technol. 2003 May-Jun;27(3):133-6.
Ishizuka T, Matsui T, Kurita A.
Ramatroban, a TP receptor antagonist, improves vascular responses to acetylcholine in hypercholesterolemic rabbits in vivo.
Eur J Pharmacol. 2003 May 2;468(1):27-35.
Ishizuka T, Matsumura K, Matsui T, Takase B, Kurita A.
Ramatroban, a thromboxane A2 receptor antagonist, prevents macrophage accumulation and neointimal formation after balloon arterial injury in cholesterol-fed rabbits.
J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2003 Apr;41(4):571-8.
Kurita A, Matsui T, Ishizuka T, Takase B, Satomura K.
Noninvasive electrocardiographic findings and plasma norepinephrine levels in patients with post-myocardial infarction receiving anti-anginal agents.
Anadolu Kardiyol Derg. 2003 Mar;3(1):43-7.
Ishihara M, Obara K, Ishizuka T, Fujita M, Sato M, Masuoka K, Saito Y, Yura H, Matsui T, Hattori H, Kikuchi M, Kurita A.
Controlled release of fibroblast growth factors and heparin from photocrosslinked chitosan hydrogels and subsequent effect on in vivo vascularization.
J Biomed Mater Res A. 2003 Mar 1;64(3):551-9.
Hisabe T, Imamura K, Furukawa K, Tsuda S, Matsui T, Yao T, Kanda M, Ohshima K, Kikuchi M.Regression of CD5-positive and Helicobacter pylori-negative mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma of the rectum after administration of antibiotics: report of a case.
Dis Colon Rectum. 2002 Sep;45(9):1267-70.
Matsui T, Matsumura K, Hagisawa K, Ishihara M, Ishizuka T, Suzuki M, Kurita A, Kikuchi M.
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香川正幸, 吉田悠鳥, 久保田将之, 栗田明, 松井岳巳
医療情報学 Vol.31(1), pp.25-36. 2012.01
香川正幸, 吉田悠鳥, 鈴木哲, 栗田明, 松井岳巳
医療情報学 Vol.30(2), pp.85-94. 2011.04
吉田悠鳥, 香川正幸, 後藤眞二, 鈴木哲, 栗田明, 小谷英太郎, 新博次, 高瀬凡平, 松井岳巳
マイクロ波レーダーを用いた非接触見守り支援システムの開発および後期高齢者への臨床応用 体動を考慮した呼吸・心拍信号のリアルタイム処理
心臓 Vol.43( 1 ), pp.4-10. 2011.02
森康貴, 小野岳史, 宮平靖, 久野豊彦, 松井岳巳, 石原雅之
防菌防黴 Vol.38(10) pp.645-649. 2010.10
香川正幸, 大林正晴, 青木英博, 杉下明隆, 森田嘉昭, 増田忠司, 鈴木哲, 松井岳巳, 水野正明, 吉田純
IHE XDSを活用した脳卒中地域連携クリティカルパスシステムの構築
医療情報学 Vol.29(2) pp.53-61. 2010.04
産業保健人間工学研究 Vol 10. No.1 2009
心臓,Vol.40(1), pp.19-23, 2008.02
臼井貴大(東京都立科学技術大学 工学部), 氏川翔, 松井岳巳, 鈴木哲, 阿部重人
産業保健人間工学研究(1345-1731)9巻増補 Page29-32, 2007.11
皆川雅彦(東京都立科学技術大学 工学部), 藺牟田隼人, 鈴木哲, 松井岳巳
産業保健人間工学研究(1345-1731)9巻増補 Page25-28, 2007.11
藤江翔吾(首都大学東京 大学院システムデザイン研究科システムデザイン専攻), 鈴木哲, 松井岳巳
産業保健人間工学研究(1345-1731)9巻増補 Page21-24, 2007.11
上野山真紀(首都大学東京 大学院工学研究科インテリジェントシステム専攻), 松井岳巳, 山田幸佑, 鈴木哲, 高瀬凡平, 石原雅之, 鈴木信哉, 瀬尾明彦
マイクロ波レーダーを用いた非接触計測システムに関する研究 高齢化社会における医療・福祉への応用をめざして(原著論文/抄録あり)
心臓(0586-4488)39巻Suppl.1 Page52-55, 2007.02
松井岳巳(首都大学東京 システムデザイン学部), 藤江翔吾, 鈴木哲, 川上満幸
産業保健人間工学研究(1345-1731)8巻増補 Page45-46, 2006.11
上野山真紀(首都大学東京 大学院工学研究科インテリジェントシステム専攻), 松井岳巳, 後藤眞二, 石原雅之, 鈴木信哉, 瀬尾明彦, 川上満幸
高瀬凡平(防衛医科大学校防衛医学研究センター 医療工学研究部門), 松井岳巳, 木原照厳, 永田雅良, 浜部晃, 大鈴文孝, 石原雅之, 栗田明
心臓(0586-4488)38巻Suppl.1 Page6-9, 2006.02
小原聖勇(防衛医科大学校 外科学第2講座), 林琢也, 松山智一, 中村伸吾, 石原美弥, 尾關雄一, 松井岳巳, 高瀬凡平, 前原正明, 菊地眞, 石原雅之
日本レーザー医学会誌(0288-6200)26巻1号 Page21-26, 2005.04
松井岳巳(防衛医科大学校防衛医学研究センター 医療工学研究部門), 石塚俊晶, 後藤眞二, 高瀬凡平, 菊地眞, 石原雅之
日本集団災害医学会誌(1345-7047)9巻3号 Page279-285, 2005.03
高瀬凡平(防衛医科大学校防衛医学研究センター 医療工学部門), 浜部晃, 秋間崇, 松井岳巳, 石原雅之, 栗田明, 里村公生, 荒川宏, 大鈴文孝
Therapeutic Research(0289-8020)25巻7号 Page1561-1564, 2004.07
秋間崇(防衛医科大学校 第1内科), 高瀬凡平, 西岡利彦, 田畑博嗣, 萩沢康介, 松井岳巳, 石塚俊晶, 里村公生, 石原雅之, 大鈴文孝, 栗田明
心臓(0586-4488)36巻Suppl.2 Page50-52, 2004.06
服部秀美(防衛医科大学校防衛医学研究センター 医療工学研究部門), 佐藤正人, 増岡一典, 石原美弥, 菊地寿幸,
松井岳巳, 菊地眞, 冨士川恭輔, 石原雅之
防衛医科大学校雑誌(0385-1796)28巻4号 Page128-136, 2003.12
虚血性心疾患症例におけるT wave alternans (TWA) voltage,QTdとPrincipal Component Analysis ratio(PCA ratio)の検討
心臓 Vol.35 Suppl.2 Page42-43, 2003.07
TWA voltage,自律神経機能及び血漿カテコラミンに及ぼす各種抗狭心症薬の比較検討
心臓 Vol.35 Suppl.1 Page8-10, 2003.02
虚血性心疾患症例のFractal Component心拍変動指標に及ぼす薬剤の影響 ことにβ遮断薬及びACE阻害薬の影響
Therapeutic Research 23巻9号 Page1896-1898, 2002.09
松井岳巳(防衛医科大学校防衛医学研究センター), 栗田明, 石塚俊晶, 高瀬凡平, 里村公生
心臓 vol.34, p17-21, 2002.02
石原雅之(防衛医科大学校防衛医学研究センター), 小野克明, 石塚俊晶, 佐藤正人, 藤田真敬, 松井岳巳, 栗田明
防衛医科大学校雑誌 26巻4号 Page157-168, 2001.12
栗田明(防衛医科大学校防衛医学研究センター), 石塚俊晶, 松井岳巳, 石原雅之, 高瀬凡平
災害と心臓疾患 殊にそのさいにおける血管内皮機能と予防法について
防衛医科大学校雑誌(0385-1796)26巻3号 Page123-133, 2001.09
高瀬凡平(防衛医科大学校 第1内科), 里村公生, 大鈴文孝, 松井岳巳, 石塚俊晶, 松村耕二, 栗田明
心臓 33巻Suppl.2 Page32-34 2001.06
松井岳巳(防衛医科大学校防衛医学研究センター), 菊地眞, 石塚俊晶, 松村耕治, 高瀬凡平, 萩沢康介, 栗田明
非接触呼吸数、心拍数同時モニターの開発 災害時等に多発する全身性炎症性炎症反応症候群(systemic inflammatory response syndrome: SIRS)
心臓 vol.33, p44-51, 2001.02
ライフサポート学会誌 vol.12. No.3, p8-12 2000
松井岳巳(防衛医科大学校防衛医学研究センター), 菊地眞, 石塚俊晶, 松村耕治, 佐藤俊一, 荒井恒憲, 石原雅之, 高瀬凡平, 栗田明
防衛医科大学校雑誌(0385-1796)25巻4号 Page201-208, 2000.12
松井岳巳(防衛医科大学校防衛医学研究センター), 栗田明, 石塚俊晶, 菊地眞, 高瀬凡平
臨床生理学会誌 vol.30, No.2, p97-103, 2000.04
心筋組織のレーザー蒸散特性に与える照射波長の影響:ブタ心筋組織を用いた紫外波長域におけるin vitro実験
日本レーザー医学会誌 vol.20 No.4, p323-332, 2000
佐藤俊一(防衛医科大学校防衛医学研究センター), 島田知明, 石原美弥, 荒井恒憲, 松井岳巳, 栗田明, 小原實, 菊地眞, 脇坂仁, 芦田廣
心筋組織のレーザー蒸散特性に与える照射波長の影響 ブタ心筋組織を用いた紫外波長域におけるin vitro実験
日本レーザー医学会誌(0288-6200)20巻4号 Page323-332, 1999.12
高瀬凡平(防衛医科大学校 第1内科), 辻本哲也, 宮崎浩司, 西川健一郎, 荒川宏, 渋谷利雄, 里村公生, 大鈴文孝, 松井岳巳, 栗田明,
北村克弘, 上畑昭美, 五十嶋一成
経皮的冠動脈形成術のQT Dispersionに及ぼす影響 特に陳旧性心筋梗塞有無による検討
Therapeutic Research 20巻5号 Page1490-1493, 1999.05
辻本哲也(防衛医科大学校 第1内科), 栗田明, 高瀬凡平, 上畑照美, 西岡利彦, 大冨真吾, 五十島一成, 松井岳巳
健康成人における心臓性突然死例の心電図所見 身体歴による検討
心臓 30巻Suppl.4 Page11-14, 1998.12
栗田明(防衛医科大学校防衛医学研究センター), 松井岳巳, 石塚俊晶, 他
Therapeutic Research(0289-8020)19巻6号 Page1781-1784, 1998.06
日本ハイパーサーミア学会誌 vol.12 (2), p184-189, 1996
日本ハイパーサーミア学会誌 vol.11 (2), p216-222, 1996
BaTiO3 セラミックスの分極の活性化エネルギーに及ぼすMn添加の効果
表面科学会誌 vol.16 No.4 p43-44, 1995
BaTiO3 セラミックスの結晶粒子間のキュリー温度の分布
表面科学会誌 vol.15 No.6 p54-55, 1994
日本ハイパーサーミア学会誌 vol.10 (4), p338-347, 1994
日本ハイパーサーミア学会誌 vol.10 (4), p331-337, 1994
日本ハイパーサーミア学会誌 vol.9 (2) p91-97, 1993
BaTiO3 セラミックスの粒界のトラップ濃度に及ぼすMn添加の効果
表面科学会誌 No.6 p314-318, 1993
BaTiO3 燒結体の電気伝導度に及ぼす焼成時間の効果
日本セラッミクス協会学術論文誌 vol.98 (8), p938-940, 1990